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Metal Boxes companies

- Displaying all 19
Weldflow Metal Products Ltd    Mississauga, ON
Weldflow has the capability of making all types of metal boxes for different end usage. All edges are formed, welded or spot welded as required, deburred and in case of different fasteners requirement can be easily accomodated. The fasteners can be attached through different processes, using PEM machines, weld arc dischrge welding or..
Products: Boxes: metal; aluminum fabricators; appliances, household: refrigerator cabinets, metal or wood;..
Contact us for all metal boxes. We specialize in full line of containers that meet the most stringent specifications. Visit our website for more information or contact for specific inquiries. Free no obligations quote available.
Products: Boxes: metal; above-ground storage tanks; autoclaves; bins: steel; boxes: tote; bushings: plastic;..
Fabricating Technics Inc    Bowmanville, ON
Fabricating Technics Inc provides their clients with a number of services and products including metal boxes. These boxes can be custom made to your specifications from various types of raw materials. These boxes can be used for storage, transportation and more.
Products: Boxes: metal; aluminum fabricators; bending: cnc; boxes: military specification; chassis: electronic..
Star Fabrication Ltd    Crooked Creek, AB
Metal Light Boxes are specially designed units for housing rubber mounted lights on trucks and trailers. These metal boxes are available in a number of sizes and designs. Boxes can be made from mild steel, stainless steel, and aluminum.
Products: Boxes: metal; boxes: truck or trailer; custom metal fabricators; fabricators: custom metal; fabricators:..
Products: Boxes: metal; automotive accessories; automotive parts; automotive parts, accessories & supplies; metal..
Products: Boxes: metal; containers: metal; grain loaders; metal fabrication
Products: Boxes: metal; acoustical enclosures; boxes: electrical, panel; cabinets: steel; computer cases &..
Riopel Mailboxes    Montreal, QC
Products: Boxes: metal; boxes: mailing; film storage equipment; furniture: computer ( office ); stands: television set
Direct Equipment Ltd    Oakville, ON
Products: Boxes: metal; pipe: specialty; plates: steel, floor; shoring systems: aluminum or steel
Products: Boxes: metal; aluminum fabricators; hardware: stainless steel; stainless steel; stainless steel..
Hassco Industries Inc    London, ON
Products: Boxes: metal; dies: blanking; tanks; tanks: gas
Roger Girard Inc.    Montreal-Nord, QC
Products: Boxes: metal; electronic enclosures; panels: steel; sheet metal fabrication
Products: Boxes: metal; electronic enclosures; shelving: steel; tanks: stainless steel
Dance Studio Montréal    Montreal, QC
Products: Boxes: metal; cabinets: filing; cabinets: filing, metal; cabinets: filing, wood; chairs: arm, metal;..
Products: Boxes: metal; cabinets: steel; electronic enclosures; sheet metal fabrication
North Bay City Hall    North Bay, ON
Products: Boxes: metal; cabinets: steel; lanterns; metal press work
Impenco Ltée    Montreal, QC
Products: Boxes: metal; boxes: jewellery; custom metal boxes; jewellery equipment & supplies
Products: Boxes: metal; advertising displays; bins: steel; cabinets: steel; carts: institutional
Lopes Limited    Coniston, ON
Products: Boxes: metal; containers: aluminum; custom metal boxes
High quality manufacturers have been presented in this extensive source of industrial information. Designed to provide information on leading, quality oriented companies, a broad range of BOXES: METAL manufacturers has been compiled in this industrial directory.
Metal Boxes companies - Displaying all 19

Metal Boxes - Companies Serving:

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Alberta AB (2)
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Ontario ON (12)
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