Glass Beads companies- Displaying all 6
Vibra Finish Ltd.
Mississauga, ON
We specialize in glass beads. Contact us for all finishing products including alkaline cleaners, acidic burnishers, rust inhibitors and etc. Visit our website for more information or contact for specific inquiries. Free no obligations quote available on all items. Products: Beads: glass; abrasive sandblast materials; abrasives: sandblast; abrasives: tumbling; aluminum oxide;..
Opta Waterdown
Waterdown, ON
Glass Beads are used for finishing, cleaning, deburring and peening. Glass Beads are available in a wide range of bead sizes, the smaller the glass spheres the smooth the surface, larger spheres produce a more textured finish. Glass Beads are made up of SiO2 - 72%, Na2O - 13%, CaO - 5%, MgO - 4%,K2O - 3%, and AL2O3 - 1% chemical compositions. Products: Beads: glass; beads: industrial glass; glass beads; abrasive blast cleaners; abrasive blast equipment;..
Saint-Laurent, QC
Products: Beads: glass; beads: industrial glass; glass beads; glass bead peening equipment; glass bead peening..
Bell & MacKenzie Co. Ltd.
Hamilton, ON
Products: Beads: glass; beads: industrial glass; glass beads; abrasive blast equipment; abrasive blast equipment:..
Spectrum Abrasives Ltd.
Mississauga, ON
Products: Beads: glass; beads: industrial glass; glass beads; glass bead peening equipment; glass bead peening..
Potters Industries Canada
La Prairie, QC
Products: Beads: glass; beads: industrial glass; glass beads; glass bead peening equipment; glass bead peening..
High quality manufacturers have been presented in this extensive source of industrial information.
Designed to provide information on leading, quality oriented companies, a broad range of
BEADS: GLASS manufacturers has been compiled in this industrial directory.
Glass Beads companies
- Displaying all 6